Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 8: Bridges in Rain

Man all this pre-game exposition is dumb. Seriously, why did I ever consider doing it in the first place?

So its raining. I kind of feel bad about making Lloid sit out all day in this, even if he's a soulless husk.

Queenie was skulking around the back of my house and complaining about the rain. I... I couldn't think of a nice way of telling her that if the rain was such a problem that she had best stay inside. I've got more important things to do anyway. After all I'm now free to enact a new public works project since the bridge should be done today.

So apparently the townsfolk want me to make a speech or something to commemorate the completion of the new bridge. I'd be fine with this if it weren't for the fact that Isabelle already set everything up in advance and on a day where the town is nothing more then a glorified swamp.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. This bridge however, will transcend the lives of me and all those present and be an example of the unity we displayed, here and now." *

I hate speeches.

Isabelle thought she was off the hook, but homie don't play that so before she could head back to the office I put her to work picking out a place for our towns new campsite. I strongly hope this will bring in tourists who will spend money that I can hopefully embezzle.

A Psychic came to town. Her name is Katrina, for a measly sum of bells she offers to toss gibberish my way.

Oh boy. I don't regret giving you that money at all. :I

Alfonso seems to be the only person in town today who wants to engage in any sort of meaningful discussion. I only wish the question wasn't so abstract. Well I firmly believe that the moment you become an adult is an individual experience that cannot be quantified or generalized since a persons ability to become "adult" or rather to be able to make "adult" or "rational" decisions is mostly based upon their life experiences an-

Wha-... why? How? Seriously? I hate everyone and everything now.

So for a while now I've been popping into the Able Sisters tailor and frankly I'm growing fond of them. They seem like good people all three of them. That and they sell bitchin' hats. I think the one thing this town needs more then anything else is a dramatic increase in the amount of hats everyone wears, potentially an increase of about 703%.

I've also made a habit of checking in with Lyle. I find him incredibly skeevy which is why I find it prudent to keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn't try robbing my home while I'm away. This town needs people to enforce the law, preferably not me.

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