Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 5: Manly Alligators

Yesterday I finally was able to fill out the mystical "Town Development Permit Form", Isabelle tells me that I'll have to wait a few days for processing to complete. Bureaucracy is wonderful! I'm certain that it won't fail me and everything will be completed in a timely manner.

 Before I had a chance to do anything this morning I noticed that someone had built a house next to mine. The gall of a person believing they have the right to move in next to their Mayor. I reside in an entirely different caste then the rest of the commoners and they belong on the other side of the river.

My new neighbour is Eugene, he seems like a pretty cool guy. Honestly I don't know why anyone would ever dislike him~

After meetings such a cool guy I bumped into Alfonso who told me that I was looking for a kiddie chair. I couldn't really remember ever mentioning that I was jonesing for a kids chair but I'll never look a gift gater' in the mouth.

I was genuinely touched by Alfonso's display of manly emotion. It reminded me that I have work to do so I told him to piss off and I decided to run back to the office and ask Isabelle what was going on.


I would never consider being a dictator! :I

Currently the town's only existing bridge is a tad out of the way so it would be beneficial, mostly to me, if it wasn't on the other goddamn side of the map.

It took a while but I finally found the best possible location (right in front of my house) for the new bridge. Once I decided on the location Isabelle showed me a familiar face. He calls himself Lloid. Lloid is a gyroid, you know those things buried underground. Well he apparently exists to collect donations and I assume he builds the damn thing himself. Colour me impressed.

Being the most magnanimous Mayor in all of history I donated a large sum towards the construction of the bridge. I did some initial rounds as well to raise awareness of the building of a new bridge and most of the townsfolk seemed oddly indifferent. I strongly hope I don't wind up paying for the entire thing myself.

I firmly believe I've done enough Mayory type things so I opted to wanted around the shops

Lyle. Something about him. Something about him seems off. I swear I bought insurance from him once.

Having donated pretty much all of my money to town projects I needed a means to cheer myself up so I spent several hours trying on hats. Can you believe they seriously want one million bells for a tiny crown? This establishment should be honored that I even consider shopping at their store!

Having lost my will to live due to how poor I am I decided to go home and cry myself to sleep.

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