Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 3: Misunderstanding intentions

Work. Work never changes. Being Mayor is one of the hardest jobs and requires insurmountable dedication. If I slacked just once the town of Parm would be thrown into chaos and anarchy burning itself to cinders. Shit. I should see if Lyle can get me insurance on the town.


As Mayor of Parm its my duty to water EVERY SINGLE FLOWER, or so Isabelle told me. For some reason I'm sceptic but I got a free watering can out of it so I'm not going to complain.

Apple, one of the towns residents, invited me to come by her (I think its a girl?) place.  It seemed weird at the time but all Apple wanted was to show off her oddly Apple-centric pad. She even gave me a Blue-trim wall which was pretty sweet. Unfortunately I cannot entertain the luxuries of the commoners so I have to put my Mayoral duties before my personal hobbies. Basically I bounced the fuck out of there after getting my hands on some choice swag.

Back at the Office Isabelle gave me the run-down on how to better raise my approval ratings. Recycling seems like a pretty popular topic in Parm so I've decided to forgo plans on tax reform and just focus on sorting my garbage every night. Isabelle also dropped the bombshell that the former Mayor was in town making sure that I hadn't ruined everything in the three days he's been gone, which to be perfectly frank, worried me a bit. Isabelle told me that he wanted to meet me by the docks. I practically soiled myself. The only reason anyone demands a meeting at the docks is if they wanted to give you a new pair of cement shoes. I inquired as whether or not he could possibly meet me in my office or any place where there would be witnesses but Isabelle assured me everything would be fine.

Several ours of crying in the fetal position later...

Turned out the former mayor, a Mr.Tortimer, is actually just an eccentric coot. Which was quite a relief. He invited me to visit his island paradise and promised that there would be bitches. Well he didn't promise that but I'm sure it was implied.

After the many heart attacks I almost succumbed to earlier I was more then happy to go about my Mayoral duties. One of which is skulking about and rooting out any ne’er-do-wells or illegals who show up. Today must have been my lucky (read: unlucky) day because I found a strange pelican washed up on shore. He seemed unconscious and no one wanted to interact with him out of fear that he would murder them horribly. This inspired no confidence in me.

After many attempts to rouse him "Gulliver" as he calls himself told me that he was a sailor who became separated from his ship. He seemed like an amicable enough fellow if not somewhat forgetful I extended an offer that he stay in town until he felt well enough to leave but he refused after asking me to help him figure out where he was originally going. After promising me a souvenir he wandered off.

Today had definitely been a weird day thus far and I decided to spend the rest of it fishing. I managed to reel in some nice catches and donated them all to the towns museum, which much to my surprise was devoid of anything. Blathers seemed incredibly grateful for the donations, but it made me wonder why the previous mayor or the residents had never bothered to donate anything before hand. This didn't sit right with me at all.

Later that evening Apple mentioned to me that I had gained the title of "Freshman Mayor". I can't for the life of me tell how I should feel about it. Maybe in time I'll gain some context but for now I think its best to wait and learn as much as I can about this town. 

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