Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 12: The one where I admit that I like dinosaurs

I should fire you on the spot. But I know I'd have done the same thing if I were in your position.

Got some new duds at the Able Sisters, its Lupin the III's Jacket and Tie from his Green Jacket days.

I also popped into the newly remodeled "T&T Mart". It has a very 7Eleven feel to it, minus the terrible food.

I also completed my first dinosaur! The mofuckin' Spinosaurus! What's a Spinosaurus you ask?
Its this badass. The Spinosaurus is to date the largest carnivorous dinosaur and for some reason has some sort of fin on its back. Contrary to what Jurassic park would make you believe it did not live during the Jurassic Period but rather during the Cretaceous Period. Its entirely possible that it may have even interacted with other super predators like the Giganotosaurus and had bitching tailgating parties and keggers.

Day 11: The Day I Broke my Internet Pt.3

Let the records show that I am no quitter. I may be dashingly handsome but I am not and never will be a quitter. How are those two things related? They aren't. It needed to be stated that I am dashingly handsome so I just took the opportunity to mention it.

So when I first turned my game on it was sunny as all get out, and I only had time to run to the able sisters before I had to shut everything down.

I've been waiting for the moment I'd gain access to the QR Machine. An ocean of designs are now mine to peruse! Also Sable is adorable.

So after gaining access to the QR machine I turned my game off, later on I came back to this...

I mean... besides Queenie. It suddenly became overcast! Just when I hoped I could get a nice sunny day the chances of my parade being rained on increases 70%.

At the office Isabelle forces me once again to attend a commemoration ceremony. All I want is a secretary that doesn't force me to do things. I mean, why would anyone want to commemorate a campsite? Its just a plot of dirt with a fence. Commorating it is like giving a perfect score to the kid who skipped school and missed his final exam. It hasn't done anything or had anything done to it that merits any sort of real celebration beyond acknowledging that it now exists. If anything we should save celebrations until after we have our first visitor that way when we celebrate it will be because the damned space proved itself useful!


"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" *

Well at least its over now.

 I wanted to do some impulse buying but I guess the Nook's are busy remodelling. :/

Day 10: The Day I Broke my Internet Pt.2

So like I said in the previous post, my internet was broken for several days and I spent the entire time desperately trying to fix it. It honestly made me realize how terrible it is to be dependent on one thing for your livelyhood.

I may not have had time to get anything done yesterday but I'll be damned if I let another day slip by!

Labelle? Seriously. You guys honestly want that to be your brand name. I don't mind fronting for you guys, but... damn. You guys may not be making the best financial decision by going with that.

Flattery will get you everywhere. Especially in my town.

Tourists will soon flood my town and buy Mike Action Figures and Towels now that this Campsite can finally be built.

Day 9: The day I broke my internet Pt.1

So my internet was out for several days which means that four posts get to be made in one day, luckily for me, but unluckily for you (or maybe that should be reversed?) I didn't do much in Animal Crossing as I was attempting to troubleshoot and get my internet off the ground. The entire endeavour was fairly pathetic and mostly boils down to me pleading to the internet gods to favour me and grant me the boon of even the most basic of internet connections.

Another mortal has lost his ability to utilize the web of nets? Once I have successfully navigated this box of mystery I shall bestow upon him a copy of Netzero and a 56k modem.

So if for some reason who bother coming back here everyday here's what I did several days ago!

It was late by the time I had a chance to play, to late to get a chance to hit up any of the towns shops of talk to any of the morning residents. Suffice to say I was a tad disappointed and even had very little in the way of a willingness to actual get any meaningful play out of it. I guess I wound up being somewhat lucky that on the day I lost my will to play Animal Crossing I downloaded Reggie Fils Aime's house and instantly went stir crazy about checking it out. Naturally I marked his home down as one of the HHS's permanent features.

His house is pretty big. I assume he's fully upgraded his home.

His foyer is full of every single Nintendo themed item, you know the ones, the ones from the fortune cookies. Naturally you can't buy them like you could normal furniture in an HHS house but I really enjoyed just getting the opportunity to see all the items.

Reggie definitely has style, his wreck room is pretty well put together.

This is Reggies modesty room.

Some sort of Japanese themed room? I'm not well versed in anything Japanese so I didn't really know how to feel about the room itself and kind of left as quickly as I entered.

Wait. Is this another wreck room? Reggie. Reggie, please. You can't have two wreck rooms, it defeats the purpose of having one in the first place.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 8: Bridges in Rain

Man all this pre-game exposition is dumb. Seriously, why did I ever consider doing it in the first place?

So its raining. I kind of feel bad about making Lloid sit out all day in this, even if he's a soulless husk.

Queenie was skulking around the back of my house and complaining about the rain. I... I couldn't think of a nice way of telling her that if the rain was such a problem that she had best stay inside. I've got more important things to do anyway. After all I'm now free to enact a new public works project since the bridge should be done today.

So apparently the townsfolk want me to make a speech or something to commemorate the completion of the new bridge. I'd be fine with this if it weren't for the fact that Isabelle already set everything up in advance and on a day where the town is nothing more then a glorified swamp.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. This bridge however, will transcend the lives of me and all those present and be an example of the unity we displayed, here and now." *

I hate speeches.

Isabelle thought she was off the hook, but homie don't play that so before she could head back to the office I put her to work picking out a place for our towns new campsite. I strongly hope this will bring in tourists who will spend money that I can hopefully embezzle.

A Psychic came to town. Her name is Katrina, for a measly sum of bells she offers to toss gibberish my way.

Oh boy. I don't regret giving you that money at all. :I

Alfonso seems to be the only person in town today who wants to engage in any sort of meaningful discussion. I only wish the question wasn't so abstract. Well I firmly believe that the moment you become an adult is an individual experience that cannot be quantified or generalized since a persons ability to become "adult" or rather to be able to make "adult" or "rational" decisions is mostly based upon their life experiences an-

Wha-... why? How? Seriously? I hate everyone and everything now.

So for a while now I've been popping into the Able Sisters tailor and frankly I'm growing fond of them. They seem like good people all three of them. That and they sell bitchin' hats. I think the one thing this town needs more then anything else is a dramatic increase in the amount of hats everyone wears, potentially an increase of about 703%.

I've also made a habit of checking in with Lyle. I find him incredibly skeevy which is why I find it prudent to keep tabs on him to make sure he doesn't try robbing my home while I'm away. This town needs people to enforce the law, preferably not me.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 7: Never Ending Day

Man. I can't believe that the bridge construction project isn't paid for yet. I put so much damn money into it to soften it up for the residents of the town. Well hopefully everyone will be more charitable what with it being the Summer Solstice and everything.

Well... I guess a gain of 20,000 bells is decent enough. Then again maybe the residents of this town just don't care enough.

A new resident moved in, her name is Queenie. I don't like her.

To honor the solstice of summer I decided to ease drop on conversations and I liked what I was hearing.

Melba is my new bro. I'll have to send her a letter and a handsome gift to prove how awesome I think she is.

 I'm starting to worry about Isabelle. She might be one of those "special needs" dogs and I don't know if our town has the budget to accommodate bubble-wrapping all the trees. Well she at least taught me that for some weird reason the sun never sets on the Summer Solstice, makes me worried about whether or not the Fire Nation might attack.

Yah gurl, you know I is fine. You see dees' eyes and think "Dang! He one fine ass motherfuckin' sun." Then I give dem' the D.

I'm pretty sure wars have been fought over this question and I don't quite know what stance to take. Maybe its a trick question meant to guage my ability to be an unbiased or impartial Mayor, and maybe Camofrog is a prophet who exists to spread the word of Mac and his Cheese. I... I can't help it.

I'm pretty sure he's telling me to cleanse the nonbelievers from this town by cannibalizing them. Camofrog is a pretty fucked up dude.

 With hardly any help from the townsfolk I've met the goal so this bridge can finally be built. Now I will no longer have to walk all the way to the other side of town to cross over. Will the other residents benefit from this? Probably not seeing as they are all fairly close to the other bridge but as Mayor I deserve a personal bridge that makes my life easier.

Oh. I also have a Metroid now. I don't know how safe it is to leave it unguarded in my house like this but it's containment unit makes for a good beverage cooler so I won't complain.